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Hello people! Today I will discuss yet another boy who is called Adnan. Adnan lives with his siblings and parents in a sort of tent while his father works as a healthcare assistant. His father, Ghulam, wishes for his children to have their healthcare because they are suffering from conditions due to lack of nutrition. He is not in good conditions as he is very slim and his teeth are also decayed due to lack of minerals and vitamins. Nevertheless, he has dreams just like all of us. It is just that...he has not all the things in favor of him and it will be tougher. He dreams of getting an education and becoming a doctor so that he could help other children who are sick and that need help.

He, who is in this condition, cannot think that, if in some way he gets a proper education and gets a better future, he will forever leave his past behind his back and never look at it again. Instead he wants to make sure that the kids in his village have better medical care than he had. This is something truly admirable and it is something that, no matter what age you are, must respect from this child. For a human to be able to make these choices and think like this is truly a gift that mother nature gave to us. It is something that some people tend to forget exists and that brings conflicts in our world...including in ourselves.

Despite the life that these children have now, they are all committed in the House that they are in (the House that Children first have for these children and it is where they spend their time getting medically checked and they study there as well. They are given meals and have time to play. The staff affectionately care for them), they all try their best and have these blinding smiles of which you just cannot ignore and have to smile back otherwise it feels wrong. Adnan is most definitely no different. The House is their great sun in their sky and it is an opportunity that they will surely not miss and will certainly make the absolute best out of it. The House acts like a rope that one may throw at someone down below and the other person will try and try to take a good firm grip on it in order to get up and climb out. Adnan has a smile that tries, hoping for the future that will bring him out of that hole...out into the light that is there but out of reach from him now.

His childhood is not like other children’s. It is not fun. It is not alright. Or ok. But the window that learning and knowing things opened for him may just change that for him. While you are now sitting comfortably somewhere reading this, I hope that you understand how happy one child can be even with nothing...but not with nothing actually. Because as long as you have will you will always have something and it is that that will that makes the children happy and excited. It is that will that makes them have something. Something to look forward to and to treasure in that treasure box I told you about earlier. If you have that, you can keep going.

Okay guys, have a good rest of the day/evening! See you next time!



As I am sure most of us are aware, the winter holidays are coming up and Christmas is right around the corner! For those of you who celebrate, Merry Christmas! For those of you who don’t, Merry Christmas! I am finishing off school for the break and now there will be some holidays, I am hoping that during this break from work we will all be happy and that we spend it well. It is the season of giving, just like it should be all the time I believe but sometimes we forget, and that is normal. The important part is being able to remember.

Today I will talk about something a little off topic if that is alright...What is happiness?

Happiness to many people bears many definitions. There are those who think of happiness as a large container to fill and only until it reaches an adequate level do they consider it “full”-filled. There are others who consider it as a piece of paper, similar to one that you would get at a graduation event or a type of promotion. Another possible version of happiness to some people is themselves! This sounds strange when you first think about it but this is rather the better truth. My personal opinion of happiness is myself and that is because only I can control my emotions and feelings; events as well as objects only trigger them.

I think this because I believe that whatever object or event comes, we were the ones who brought it there in the first place. For example, if you want a fancy house, you either rob a bank (which I do not recommend) and buy yourself the house or work hard and get the house anyway. One is safer than the other but they are both things that YOU have done to get the house in the first place. The same applies to sadness but I would rather presume that no one living on this earth would like to have sadness on purpose. Unfortunately though, it comes being slapped in our faces by life and each of us has to face it in one way or another. Happiness in my opinion all depends on you.

Moreover, if happiness really does depend on you then that means that even without those original pair of shoes that everyone is wearing or that cool don’t need it to be really happy...because if you did, you would have never felt joy before having it, you would have never felt any spark in your entire life before having those things. When you were a baby, why were you happy? Because you had a cool tv or cool shoes or because you were loved by someone. Though that is just an example.

This is why it is dangerous for people who cannot bring their own happiness and I am not talking about “I do not have enough money to buy myself a PS5” but the happiness of surviving and being able to live a life at all. This is also one reason why I am making this effort.

Thank you to the ones who have already donated something, it means a lot and I am looking forward to seeing bits of more money being slipped in from other people! Anything at all! I promise you it will definitely make someone happy.

Have a marvelous day/evening! One more thing, don’t forget to smile!!!


My second Blog (yay!).

Hello again, here is my second blog!

Today I figured to write about a boy whose name is Abdul and he is nine years old. He has three brothers and two sisters, they all live together with their parents in a village called Jabbar in Muzaffarabad, Kashmir. Abdul’s father works as a sweeper and doesn’t earn much for his big family. Like many other children that live in great poverty, his dreams are some of our realities that we take for granted. According to him, the simple taste of a chocolate bar and a run outside is all that it would take to see him smile yet there are people with immense glossy cars, huge blockhouses and tanks full of money yet their faces may remain expressionless or they do smile...but their heart doesn’t and their hunger grows.

Abdul is a reserved and calm boy. I think that inside all of that calmness and tranquility lies the little happy moments that he may gather each time and store in a special place. Sort of like a treasure box. Abdul is one of the many many children who dream with those smiles and lit eyes as soon as someone mentions something amazing to them. I admire these children with all my heart and it makes me cry how they are so brave and facing these terrible challenges that life placed for them. It is horrendous how they are just left behind in the shadows.

His lack of nutrition and vitamins results in a slightly slim body and makes it vulnerable to illnesses and that is why in winters he usually catches colds and gets sick a lot. Everyone gets sick but not all are in the same condition. There are those who are in a nice and cozy house in front of a warming fire, there are others who lie in a comfy bed while staring at their phones as they scroll through social media and there are others who are wrapped in thin blankets inside a cement structure that barely contains any warmth.

If I somehow had a life like his, if I found myself staring out of his eyes I would be dreaming of this life that I have now. The opportunities and all the laughter that I am having now. The city that I am in now. I would see it so vividly in my mind, like a bittersweet reminder of what is out there in our world. Reading his story, just like reading other children’s stories, made me really think about what my life is. How big and full it is with wonderful things and how quickly this can be taken away. Everything. Gone. Almost like a computer, one small click and everything gets erased from the screen. Boy, that annoys me so much especially when what I have been writing was really nice and I liked it. Imagine how irritating that would be with your own life. You will only realize again how much you need and long for something when it is gone. That is when you will notice the empty space in you. This is why I think that at times it is important to remember when you didn’t have that something.

Remember that cup of coffee you had today? Well, that is a great gift believe it or not. What about the breaths you are taking. Life itself is one of the best gifts you will ever receive...and that too in a swift, can be taken away just as it was given. Do you know what cannot be so easily taken away though? Your thoughts...not if you don’t want them to. Your way of thinking as well. These children, their minds are darkened but surely they are always longing for light that we can bring. It is not so dark and they still dream...and that is what is so special.

Before I go, I wanted to inform you that I will be from now on posting every other day due to schoolwork. Thanks for the support and please interact with this blog as much as possible-it will be great!

Have a great rest of the day!


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