What is it?
This organization does its absolute best to emphasize the vital and civil rights of children and help the ones in need. They mostly had expeditions around the areas in Yemen, Pakistan, Darfur, Lebanon, Ukraine and Sri Lanka, where there are poorer communities. Children First have these goals: to make sure that children receive a proper education, meals, medical attention and homes. They have interfered on many occasions where children were in the worst of conditions and where parents were desperate or confused of what to do.
The Children First organization is one I really esteem and respect for its admirable acts and commitment.
They aim is to alleviate the hardship and suffering of children in various countries around the world and to improve the children's childhood substantially despite their race, colour or religion. The whole staff donate their work with great energy and affection, particularly in developing countries, in areas affected by disaster and also in countries afflicted by war and violence.
I will be concentrating on one project specifically and that is the Food-Education-Home Project (FEHP) for the "rubbish dump children" in Muzaffarabad, Azad and Kashmir (Pakistan) and that is where any donated money will be going to.
This organization is a very special one indeed because all the money that it receives goes straight and directly to the children and does not get nibbled at by the organization for administrative costs or salaries at all.
This is due to the fact that the President, Sylvia Eibl, the vice President, Sonia Iacoangeli and all the volunteers do not receive any money in return for doing what they do, they are all philanthropists!
About Me...
As I have mentioned before, my name is Rosa and I am 13 years old. I come from Italy though I live in an ever so busy, marvelous city...Dubai. I really enjoy writing so that is what I will be doing for the next several days and
I hope that after you read things that I have written on here, you will too become inspired.
You may not do huge actions to go along with this but that does not matter, my goal is to raise awareness of all the children out there and their families who are less fortunate.
I want to help with this cause by fundraising and spreading awareness because there are so many children in unimaginable conditions and are being forced to beg out in the streets and to rummage in trash cans in search for things to sell in order to support their families.
The children are not given opportunities to have a proper education and are therefore vulnerable in this world.
That is why I am giving my absolute efforts to make sure that this problem is understood and acted upon.